Friday, October 7

Steve Jobs' Driving Principles


1. Do What You Love!
-People with passion can change the world for the better. Life it too short for living someone elses's dream. And if you haven't found you passion, keep looking. Don't settle.

2. Put a dent in the Universe!
-Believe the power of vision.

3. Connect things to spark your creativity!
-Connect items from different fields.

4. Say 'No' to 1,000 things!
-Innovation comes from saying 'No' to one thousand things.
"What can we remove"

5. Create insanely different experience!
- Enrich life and create emotionally connection among customer experiences and the brand.

6. Master the message!
- Inform, Educate, Entertain in one presentation.
- Picture Superiority Effect (PSE)- think visual~words n pictures.

7. Sell Dreams, not Products!
- Help your customer reach their dreams, you won them over.
- Dream Bigger~believe in yourself, believe in your vision and be constantly prepare to defend those ideas as because those ideas has the potential to change the world.